Thursday, October 22, 2009

zip! woa! There it goes...

Woa! Almost one month day for day since the last time I wrote a blog, but I'm going to sneak one in before the end of October. Foiled!

As you may have guessed, I've been a little busy lately. The program I'm in consists of 10 classes and although the profressors don't give us tons of homework, it adds up fast. In addition I've been taking Jazz Viola lessons at the music conservatory, which is great. However, the two together don't leave a lot of time for much else. It doesn't help I don't have internet at home; while I do use the computers at the library lately it's to do work, check gmail and facebook, and to watch the Daily Show. After which I run to class.

Busy and stressed out is what this combination adds up to, although I am content with my progress in French. Next week we're on vacation, but I still have a paper to write. I forgot what it was like to be a student, and not earning money has been a rude shock. And then every now and then I think about the opportunities that I'm taking advantage of and it makes me smile.

For all of you in the states (aka all of you), I miss halloween! I've been reading on Facebook people's descriptions of the season, buying candy for trick or treaters, figuring out costumes, and it makes me miss my favorite holiday. France does not have Halloween, oy yee cruel destiny! Eh, too bad. Although it wouldn't surprise me if I don't see a couple people in costumes. Maybe I should get a costume figured out.

Lately I've been doing a lot of observation, a lot of absorbing. This whole project is a challenge and the challenges are becoming more specific, like improving a certain aspect of French grammar or working on rhythm and accents in improvisation. That and thirty other specific problems that demand immediate attention. Education is demanding.

I'm wondering how life will be different next week while I'm on vacation. I feel charged right now, I've been multitasking on multitasking. Remember at the beginning of september when I wasn't doing anything, when I was bored?! That was different... boring!

More next week. I'm still digesting. Thanks again for following!